From Beans to Business: PHCCC
In this series of blog posts, we will follow Pea Hill Creek Coffee Company on it’s journey from small time coffee to a multi-location enterprise. Each post will focus on one step of the journey, detailing the next challenge to overcome and the steps we took to meet that challenge. Let’s jump in and get…
PHCCC: First Big Network Changes – Configuring VLANs
NOTE: Some steps in this configuration can be shorted with abbreviations, grouping interfaces or not exiting configuration modes after the end of every step. This demonstration has been written up in a way that makes it easy to break out into just the step we want to focus on if there is a discussion later.…
PHCCC: Next Level – Moving to Layer 3 Switching
Since the last project, Pea Hill Creek Coffee Company has aquired a new switch for it’s network. The old switch, a Cisco 2960 was a Layer 2 switch, which means it did not have any routing capablities, and only had Fast Ethernet interfaces. The new switch, a Cisco Catalyst 3650 is a Layer 3 switch,…
Pea Hill Creek Coffee Company’s Journey to the Cloud